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By Laws

Constitution for Los Alamos Piecemakers

I. The name of the organization shall be Los Alamos Piecemakers.

II. The purpose shall be to encourage and develop the art of quilting as a not-for-profit, educational organization.

III. The membership shall be open to all persons interested in the art of quilting.

IV. Meetings shall be governed by the Executive Committee consisting of the President, Vice President, Treasurer, and Secretary; who shall serve a term of one year.

V. Meetings shall be regularly scheduled with one Annual Meeting per year during which officers will be elected. Roberts Rules of Order shall be parliamentary authority if needed in matters not contained in the by-laws.

VI. The Executive Board shall consist of the Executive Committee, and chairpersons of the standing committees who shall serve a term of 1 year. The Board shall not meet less than 3 times per year.

VII. The constitution may be amended by a 2/3 vote of the members present and voting at the Guild meeting, provided the proposed amendment had been read at a previous meeting or with written or electronic notice to each member.

REVISED 10/2012

By-Laws for Los Alamos Piecemakers

I. OFFICERS (all shall be members in good standing)

A. The President shall preside at all Executive Committee meetings, Executive Board meetings and Guild meetings.

B. The Vice President shall preside at all Executive Committee meetings, Executive Board meetings and Guild meetings in the absence of the President, and shall assume the office in the event the office is vacated prior to the end of the term. In addition to these duties the Vice President shall also head the program committee and be in charge of workshops.

C. The Treasurer shall have custody of all Guild funds and be its general collecting, disbursing, and accounting officer.

D. The Secretary shall take minutes of the Executive Committee meetings, Executive Board meetings and Guild meetings.

E. No officer or Board member shall receive remuneration for serving on said Board.

F. In case of vacancy of any other office, the President shall appoint a replacement with the majority consent of the Executive Board.


A. Elections of all officers shall take place at the November meeting each year. Officers will assume their positions beginning in January. Both boards will meet prior to the first guild meeting of the year.

B. A Nominating Committee shall be appointed to present a slate of officers at the October meeting. This committee shall be appointed no later than the August meeting.


A. The membership year shall run from January 1 to December 31 each year.

B. Dues cover January through December (membership year). Persons joining after June 1 shall pay half the dues for the remainder of year.


A. Meetings shall be held every month except for December and one of the summer months. The November meeting shall constitute the Annual Meeting.


A. Program Committee: headed by Vice President

B. Membership

C. Newsletter

D. Publicity

E. Webmaster

F. Librarian

G. Community Service

Each chairperson will be called upon to report at each monthly meeting and shall submit a written critique during November to the President.


A. A Budget Committee shall be appointed at the September meeting to prepare the new budget for the following year.

B. The Budget Committee shall include the Treasurer, President, Vice President and no less than two persons from the membership at large.

C. The new budget shall be presented at an Executive Board meeting for suggestions and approval. All approved changes shall be made between the Executive Board meeting and the Annual meeting.

D. The general membership will be presented with the budget for discussion and approval at the Annual meeting.

VI. In the event of disbandment of the Guild; any and all funds and other property then owned by it shall be distributed to clubs with similar objectives or properties sold and monies donated to charity. The decision would be determined by a majority vote of the remaining membership.

VII. The by-laws may be amended by a 2/3 vote of the members present and voting at a Guild meeting, provided the proposed amendment had been read at a previous meeting or with written or electronic notice to each member.

REVISED 10/2012

Los Alamos Piecemakers
Post Office Box 261
Los Alamos, New Mexico 87544